The MA concentration in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures provides students with a comprehensive overview of the fields of Hispanic literatures and Hispanic cultures and prepares the student to pursue work at the PhD level in Spanish or in other disciplines.


The applicant must hold, or anticipate completing by the time of admission, a bachelor's degree from an accredited U.S. college or university or the equivalent degree from a university outside the U.S. The applicant is expected to have a minimum of 15 semester hours of Hispanic literature and culture courses at the advanced level and one advanced Spanish grammar and composition course or the equivalent of the undergraduate major in Hispanic literature and culture at the University of Arizona; to have a minimum grade-point average of 3.3 on a 4-point scale overall; and to have a minimum grade-point average of 3.4 on a 4-point scale in Spanish.


Upon entering the program, the student establishes his/her degree study program in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies. The student is required to complete a minimum of 33 graduate units, as follows:

  • An equal number of units in Spanish and Latin American literatures and cultures. (15 units in each area)
  • A 3-unit Introduction to Hispanic Studies taken the first year of residence.
  • A 3-unit Topics in Literary Theory and Criticism taken in the first year of residence. This course may count in either of the student's primary areas. 
  • Graduate Assistants Appointments (GAs) in Spanish and Portuguese are required to complete a language teaching methodology course (SPAN-581A) before or during their first semester of classroom teaching. The methodology course may count for one of the courses in either Spanish or Spanish American literature and cultures.
  • Courses in Brazilian literature and culture may count for courses for Latin American Literatures and Cultures.

In addition, the student must take a comprehensive written examination in the field of Hispanic literatures and cultures upon completion of all course work.