The Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics working group (HLLWG) has been in charge of organizing the colloquium since Fall 2019. For more information, please send an email to or visit the website.
Colloquium Schedule
Spring 2022
- January 27th:
- Susana Madinabeitia Manso (Universidad de Navarra, Spain): Evaluación dinámica en la clase de ELE
- Celia Bravo Díaz (University of Minnesota): L2 Acquisition of Spanish VOT by Chinese-Speaking Learners: A Cross-sectional Study
- March 24th:
- Dr. Brian Hibbs (Dalton State College) – English/Spanish Contrasts: Using English and Spanish Linguistics to Reach English Language Learners
- Jessica Tiegs (University of Arizona) – Vowel Sandhi in Castilian Spanish: The Acoustics of Vowel Sequences across a Word Boundary
Fall 2021
- September 30th:
- Brian Gravely (University of Arizona): “Differential object marking strategies and the case of Galician".
- Isabella Calafate de Barros (University of Arizona): “Mood variation among Spanish-English bilinguals in Southern Arizona: cross-dialectal continuities and methodological considerations".
- November 4th:
- Helena Escalera & Ellen Deemer (University of Arizona): “¡Ay, señora, perdóname!: Pragmalinguistic differences in apologies between L1, L2 and Heritage speakers of Spanish".
- Carlos Krapp López (University of Arizona): “Problemón: Grammatical and semantic properties of Spanish suffix -ón".
Spring 2021
- February 18th:
- Mariana Centanin Bertho (University of Arizona): “Working with learner corpus data: an introduction to MACAWS (Multilingual Academic Corpus of Assignments - Writing and Speech)".
- Andrija Petrovic (Stony Brook University): “Modeling morphological epenthesis".
- March 18th:
- Álicia Brown (University of Arizona): “A variationist exploration of past tense progressive forms in the Spanish of Tucson".
- Tamara Gómez Carrero (University of Valladolid): “The eyes are a window to the mind: The processing of Spanish grammatical gender in codeswitching".
- April 15th:
- Ángela Matute Sánchez (University of Arizona): “Syntax-discourse interface: a corpus-based study of left dislocated constructions in Spanish".
- Marina Cárcamo García (University of Arizona): “Interpretation skills of SHL and L2 learners of T&I in Southern Arizona: a methodological approach".
Fall 2020
- September 15th:
- Catherine Rockey (University of Arizona): “Language Alternation in Text Message-Based Interactions: A sequential analysis of (dis)alignment strategies”
- Marina Cárcamo-García (University of Arizona): “Intra-sentential code-mixing in L2 Portuguese acquisition of Venezuelan immigrants in Brazil”
- October 20th:
- Lauren Souter (University of Arizona): “Proposed (Tri-)border Research on Linguistic Ideologies and Anaphoric Direct Object (ADO) Expression in Spanish and Portuguese”
- Carlos Krapp-López (University of Arizona): “Dativos de interés transferido en castellano"
- November 17th:
- Alicia Brown (University of Arizona): “Dialect stylization for comedic effect in the construction and performance of Basque modernity".
- Ben Brown (Northern Arizona University): “El ritmo de los hablantes de herencia del español".
Spring 2020
- February 19th (NSSHL Practice Talks):
- Carmella Scorcia Pacheco (University of Arizona): "Critical Language Awareness through Music and Activism in the SHL Classroom"
- Isabella Calafate de Barros (University of Arizona): "Struggles of Not Feeling Latino Enough: A pedagogical tool for Critical Translingual Competence in SHL education"
- Daniela Torres Cirina (University of Arizona): "Integrating Technology-Enhanced Instruction in Heritage Language Classrooms"
- Sara Alcázar Silva (University of Arizona): "Empowering Heritage Language Learners by Centering Symbolic Competence"
Fall 2019
- September 18th:
- Hadley Forst (University of Arizona): “Perception of Unstressed Vowels by L2 Spanish Learners: Syllable Position, Orthography and Experience”
- Marina Cárcamo (University of Arizona): “Sociolinguistic Data Collection in the Venezuelan Diaspora in the Campinas region, Brazil”.
- October 9th:
- Catherine Rockey and Jessica Tiegs (University of Arizona): “Mobile Application Use in Technology-Enhanced DCTs”
- Lauren Souter (University of Arizona): “SALE hasta 70% dcto: Examining the context of language distribution in storefronts in Colombian malls”
- October 16th (HLS Practice Talks):
- Posters
- Isabella Calafate de Barros (University of Arizona): “Variation in mood selection in Spanish of Southern Arizona”
- Mariana Centanin Bertho (University of Arizona): “The authority of the native speaker towards non-native accent: language attitudes in a YouTube channel”
- Presentations
- Ángela Matute Sánchez (University of Arizona): “The Future Tense Expression in Southern Arizona Spanish”
- Jessica Tiegs (University of Arizona): “Falar bem o português: dialectal attitudes toward Brazilian and European Portuguese”
- Mariela López (University of Arizona): “Phonetic variation and second-language phonological development”
- Posters
- November 20th:
- Alicia M. Brown (University of Arizona): “A sociolinguistic approach to acceptability judgment tasks: Graduate school programs as communities of practice”
- Laura Fontana Soares (Fullbright/University of Arizona): “Guidelines for the elaboration of a teaching material of Portuguese as a Welcoming Language for forced immigrants”
Fall 2018
- September 2018: Dr. David Medeiros (University of Arizona) "Universal Grammar, universal parsing, and Universal 20"
- October 2018: Dr. Peter Ecke (University of Arizona) "Errores léxicos y problemas de búsqueda de palabras en aprendices de una tercera lengua: ¿Cómo interpretar y cómo tratarlos?"
- December 2018: Dr. Jill Jegerski (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign) "Lexical factors in the processing of distance dependencies in Spanish as a second language"
Fall 2017
September 15th: Dr. David Medeiros (University of Arizona) "Universal Grammar, universal parsing, and Universal 20"
Spring 2017
- February 17th: Dr. Jungyeul Park (University of Arizona) "Parsing the Spanish Treebank".
- March 24th: Dr. Miriam Díaz (Concordia University, Canada) "Simultaneous vs. Sequential bilingualism in L3 speech learning: a work in progress".
- April 21st: Dr. Travis Bradley (University of California-Davis) "Phonological implications of Geminate Consonants in Moroccan Judeo-Spanish"
- May 18th: Dr. Ana de Prada Pérez (University of Florida) "The effect of grammatical person on bilingual subject production".
Fall 2016
- September 30th: Ryan Bessett (University of Arizona) “The role of phonology in discerning lone other-language items as borrowing or codeswitches”.
- October 14th: Dr. Julio Villa-García & Imanol Suárez-Palma (University of Manchester & University of Arizona) “Covert and Overt Subject Development in the context of BFLA”
- November 4th: Dr. María Luisa Zubizarreta (University of Southern California) “The Syntactic Encoding of Perspective and the Person Case Constraint”.
- December 2nd: Adriana Picoral (University of Arizona) : "Effects of L1 in L2 language production: evidence from learner corpus data".
Spring 2016
- April 6th: Dr. Livia Oushiro (UNICAMP, Brazil) “Social and structural constraints in lectal cohesion”
- May 6th: Tasha Campbell (University of Arizona) “Vamos a una exposición de croquis… ¿de cróquises?: Nominal plural formation and the Heritage Speaker of Spanish”
Fall 2015
- November 6th: Dr. Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro (University of Illinois, Chicago) "L3 development as a lens on the nature of existing linguistic systems"
- December 4th: Dr. Malcah Yaeger-Dror (University of Arizona) "What you need to know before you complete your fieldwork"
Spring 2015
- February 4th: Claire Julia Lozano (University of Arizona) “‘Oh, you speak Spanish. So, you don’t need to take Spanish classes’: Heritage Language Learners’ Attitudes Towards Proficiency and Maintenance”
- March 11th: Andrea Herrera Dulcet "The discourse markers so and entonces in the bilingual narratives of south Arizona: Using muletillas to walk across bilingual narratives”
- April 22nd: Joseph Kern(University of Arizona) "Elevating and Celebrating Sociolinguistic Diversity: A Pedagogical Framework for the Second Language Spanish Classroom”
- May 14th: Katherine O'Donnell Christoffersen (University of New Mexico) "Show me the money!: Tips for funding your dissertation research"
Fall 2014
- September 24th: Hope Anderson (University of Arizona) "¿“Se van olvidando del español” o “van a seguir hablando”? El uso del progresivo con distintos verbos auxiliares en el español del sur de Arizona"
- November 5th: Poster Session
- Hope Anderson (University of Arizona) “¿“Se van olvidando del español” o “van a seguir hablando”? El uso del progresivo con distintos verbos auxiliares en el español del sur de Arizona"
- Ryan M Bessett and Marta Ramírez Martínez (University of Arizona) “Variación en las construcciones condiciones con si en el habla sonorense monolingüe y bilingüe”
- Stephanie Brock (University of Arizona) ““Frijoles en un hot dog, ¿cómo es eso posible?”: The classification of English-origin nouns in Spanish”
- Miguel Llompart García (University of Arizona) “Positional Neutralization of back vowels in two Majorcan Catalan Dialects”
- Míriam Rodríguez (University of Arizona) “The discourse marker ‘este’ in Arizona Spanish”
Spring 2014
- January 29th: Miguel Llompart (University of Arizona) “La ‘r francesa’ en Sóller (Mallorca): Diferencias en el proceso de adquisición en hablantes bilingües catalodominantes e interferencia fonética”
- February 5th: Michael Child (University of Arizona) “Morphosyntactic Transfer in L3 Portuguese Learning: Context of Acquisition vs. Language Proficiency”
- March 5th: Ryan Bessett, Joseph Casillas, and Marta Ramírez Martínez (University of Arizona) “Language choice and accommodation: Casual encounters along the U.S. border”
- April 2nd: Joseph Kern (University of Arizona) “Strategies of Direct Quotation in the Spanish of the U.S. Southwest”
- May 7th: Dr. Álvaro Cerrón-Palomino (Arizona State University) “Syntactic Priming in the Andes: Subject Expression in the Spanish of Huancayo, Peru”
Fall 2013
- October 2nd: Joseph Casillas (University of Arizona) “Perception of English /i/ /I/ tense/lax vowel contrast by Spanish/English early bilinguals”
- November 6th: Dr. Leah Fabiano-Smith (University of Arizona) “Diagnostic Criteria for Bilingual Spanish-English Speaking Children with Speech Sound Disorders”
Spring 2013
- February 1st: Brian Funk (University of Arizona) “On Southwestern Sinalefa”
- March 1st: Dr. Ana Carvalho (University of Arizona) “Sociolinguistic continuities along the border: The case of Portuguese in contact with Spanish in north Uruguay”
- April 3rd: Dr. Sonia Colina (University of Arizona) “Spanish voiced obstruent alternation and underspecification in OT”
Fall 2012
- September 21st: Ryan Bessett (University of Arizona) “"Los efectos del bilingüismo sobre la extensión de estar: un análisis del dialecto sonorense de Hermosillo, México y Tucson, Arizona”
- October 19th: Joseph Kern (University of Arizona) “‘Como’ in commute: The travels of a discourse marker across languages”
- November 16th: Dr. Miguel Simonet “Phrase-medial deaccenting in Spanish wh-questions”
- December 7th: Mark Amengual (University of Texas, Austin) “Production and perception of Catalan-specific categories by Majorcan Spanish-Catalan bilinguals”